Example of Combat Maneuvers: The character Sartori is involved in a challenge. His strength would usually be 7, but the combat maneuver Pneuma is played from him. This adds 6 to his combat strength, giving him a total of 13.
No pivoted characters may participate in a challenge. If a character becomes pivoted during the course of the challenge, it is removed, and cannot add its strength to the combat strength.
Seize a Site:
The Autarch’s unpivoted active Allies invade a Site (seize it) in the Circle, and attempt to control it (secure or hold it).
Only Sites in the Circle can be targeted; secured Sites (in other Autarchs’ states) cannot be targeted. The seized Site must be named, along with unpivoted active Allies participating in the seizure. Reserves many not seize a Site.

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Cover (1) | Table of Contents (2) | Challenge Summary (19) | Seizing Sites & Contests (24) | Affiliations (47) | Summary of Play (48) | Pages: